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Search Results for " (±) Decursinol "



カタログ番号 製品名 別名 ターゲット
T8169 Decursinol Others
Decursinol is isolated from the roots of Angelica Gigas with an antinociceptive effect. It also has anti-tumor and anti-metastasis activity.
T8211 (±)-Decursinol 3',4'-dihydro-3'-hydroxy-Xanthyletin Others , Antibacterial
(±)-Decursinol (3',4'-dihydro-3'-hydroxy-Xanthyletin) is a natural product from Angelica gigas.
TN1557 Decursinol angelate ERK , VEGFR , PKC , JNK
Decursinol angelate has anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, and hepatoprotective activities, it inhibits VEGF-induced angiogenesis via suppression of the VEGFR-2-signaling pathway; it also suppresses invasion an...
T3S1416 Decursin Decursinol angelate,(+)-Decursin Apoptosis , PKC
1. Decursin (Decursinol angelate) is able to attenuate kainic acid-induced seizures and could have potential as an antiepileptic drug. 2. Decursin exhibits hepatoprotective effects , potentially by inhibiting the TGF-β1 ...